Crypto Price Alerts

be the first to know when to buy and when to sell

How to buy using Binance?

Your Activation Key (Order-ID) will be Emailed to you in your payment receipt.


Can I pay with Binance?
Yes, you can pay from your Binance account.

1- Click the "Donate" button.
2- Enter your email and press next.
3- Select Litecoin which is below the "select a cryptocurrency to pay with another wallet" text.
4- Copy the LTC address.
5- Goto LTC withdrawal page on Binance
6- Paste the LTC address and amount of LTC as given on the Checkout page.

If you don't have LTC then you can get some by trading LTC for USDT or BTC.
Do I need a Coinbase account to pay?
No, you don't need a Coinbase account to pay, you can pay from anywhere like Binance/ FTX/ Bitfinex/ Coinbase etc.
Do yo accept PayPal?
No sorry, only LTC
I don't have BTC, ETH or LTC, how can I pay?
You can trade whatever cryptocurrency you have to get some LTC, BTC or ETH and proceed with the checkout process.
Do you support BEP20 or BEP2?
NO, My payment gateway doesn't support BEP20 or BEP2, please use traditional networks. (ie. If you want to pay in LTC then only use LTC network).
How long does it take for transaction confirmation?
It's different for each cryptocurrency, for LTC it's around 10 minutes
Why am I not getting the alert sounds?
Please make sure the "Disable notification sound" field is unchecked.
How can I change the alert sounds?
You can change the alert sounds from the extension options page, press the cog icon in the bottom-left corner to get to the options page.